I spoke to the director of my agency today. He reiterated again that the circumstances around the couple denied the court date are entirely different than mine and he doesn't feel that I'm in jeopardy of receiving the same fate. He said that he has worked with this judge many times over the years and she is very thorough and logical. She is painfully slow and detailed about the paperwork but her requests and decisions always make sense. She does not act randomly against people and she's always been consistent - including in her slow pace. It is one of her goals not to have any of "her" adoptions become questionable at any time - which, I have to admit is an admirable goal.
I also told the agency that I still would like to go visit the girls when Olga returns at the end of August. He's going to check with Olga about what dates would work and then let me know. I think that will be a good trip for all of us. But, until then, Katy and I will be enjoying our Summer with our family and friends and continue to prepare for the arrival of the girls.
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