Saturday, September 6, 2008

Successful Day

Today was such a busy day . . . lots of visitors.  And, in between the visitors, UPS and Fed Ex both arrived as scheduled - although a little late - and very casually dropped off 2 packages each without having any idea just how important they were.   I had expected sweating it out over the UPS deliveries as I always hear that they're not as reliable, but they got here around 12:30.  Then  Fed Ex, who arrived about 1 hour later, was by far the most important as they contained our passports/visas so we can actually enter the country now.    It is so nice when well laid plans actually are pulled off!  

My dossier copy, which is now 3 1/2" thick, is ready to go along with 2 additional packages for Olga.  Everything looks current except for one DOJ document that is dated 9/21/07.  I don't know how long those are valid for and, even though I hope to be done with court by then, I can't help but worry about it.  I don't remember specifics about getting that one but I don't imagine you can rush the DOJ as you can the Dept. of Behavioral Sciences.  But, I've done all I can do now.

Packing hasn't even started yet for me.  I just have Katy's shoes, sweaters, & toys left to do for her but I haven't begun mine except to choose a dress for court.  I still have so many little things to buy -  gifts for the orphanage caregivers - gifts to bring to the girls on our visits - travel necessities for me, etc.  Tomorrow a trip to K-Mart - the only store here that has a possibility of carrying any of those items.  

One thing I did get done today was complete the application for the travel medical insurance which was important.  I guess I'm finally starting to believe that we may actually get to go on this trip!  I woke up at 4AM this morning thinking of all the little things I still need to do.  But, I know it will all get done.  

Tomorrow, last minute visits from a few friends - mostly who are very sad to see Katy go away for such a long time - and then, finish packing, trip to K-Mart, and hopefully, get a good nights sleep.   I feel like I can now start to think about the girls without being so guarded although, I know I still have a court date to obtain and a court appearance to survive!   Regardless, I think I'll sleep well tonight.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Talk about suspense . . .

As expected, I received the FBI Report yesterday and overnighted it to AO.  That delivery was successful and Michelle was able to get it apostilled.  She's overnighting it back to me for Saturday delivery - UPS.  Debra Prentice from Notary on Wheels called me at 5 and told me she was dropping the two apostilled letters from the Board of Behavioral Sciences off at the UPS Store for Saturday delivery.    Frank Foundation (AO's partner) called and advised that the passports/visas were on the way and would be here on Saturday via Fed Ex.  Then one more call from Franks about another package coming via Fed Ex that I'm carrying for another family.   There's still a lot that has to go well but, so far so good.  I'll have a little time Monday morning to track things down if they don't arrive but that would be cutting it way too close.  

I had 4 hours today between work and picking Katy up at her last day of pre-school for a while and I got so much done.  I had things charging all over the house . . . the laptop, the Leapster, the digital camera, the video camera, the Amazon Kindle, IPod - all necessities for the long trip with a 3 year old.  I've got Katy pretty well packed but haven't started mine.   I spent about 2 hours going through three copies of dossier documents I have and tried to compile all of the most recent documents together.  That was a mess but once the remaining documents get here tomorrow I can finish it - it's about 500 sheets of paper and I have to hand carry it which will take up a lot of my carry on room!    I completed the photo album of the first visits with the girls which I believe the judge wants to see and, I downloaded (still downloading) about 16 hours of kids movies and cartoons on the IPOD in the hopes that it will keep Katy entertained on the plane and 5 hours in the car on days we'll be visiting the girls. 

 I think it was a pretty successful day and I'm hoping that tomorrow will be equally successful.  Here's to hoping UPS and Fed Ex pull it off!  

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Saturday deliveries

5 days and counting.  The other shoe has not dropped - in fact, things seem to be falling in place.   
It seems all my missing documents should be in my hands by Saturday afternoon.  I have 3 Saturday deliveries scheduled to come to my home.  There was a problem (of course there was) with the visas.  They had to re-do the invitations again so I won't have those until Saturday.  The FBI clearance report is being sent out today in my self addressed overnight envelope - I'll then overnight it to the agency who will go get it apostilled along with my last 8 medical - they'll then overnight those to me for Saturday arrival.  Most surprising of all, the Department of Behavioral Sciences has said that they will rush my request and the certifications can be picked up on Friday.  I have "Notary on Wheels" in Sacramento picking them up, taking them to be apostilled at the Secretary of State and overnighting them to me for Saturday arrival.  

Phew!  I hope it all goes according to plan - is that too much to hope for?  By the way, Notary on Wheels in Sacramento is a great California resource.  Most agencies I think use her but she does much more than obtain apostilles.  If anyone needs her contact information, send a comment below and I'll forward it . . . 

I've also got my airport transport arranged - that was a little tricky because of 6 people coming home including 3 car seats!  But, Kristine who brought Stephanie home from Chelyabinsk last December has offered her help so that's one less big worry for me.  Thank you Kristine!  

Katy is so excited about this trip - I dropped her off at pre-school this morning and everyone knows that she's going to Russia to get her sisters.  One of the moms was asking her questions about her trip and her answers were so cute.  She's got it worked out in her head about what she's going to teach her sisters and how she's going to help take care of them.  I think she'll have some issues about sharing (sharing people especially) but, I do think she's going to love having them with us.    

So, we're close and I'm starting to feel optimistic and like some weight has been lifted from me.  The regional conflicts seem to be quieted down, paperwork is coming in and my phone is not ringing so that's all great news for now.  I will be on guard though until the judge sets a date.  As we all know by now, anything can happen.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

6 days to go

Today I re-did my fingerprints for the BCIS as a precaution since they don't really expire until 10/31.   Still no FBI clearance and the contact at the Board of Behavioral Science is out until tomorrow so I won't know about getting the license certifications until then.    So far, that's the extent of the paperwork required other than receiving a complete copy of my dossier including all of the changes since February.  That's not easy since there have been so many individual requests.

I still haven't figured out internet access since I can't get the laptop from Peace Travel and won't be staying at the hotel.    I may not be able to update often while there but I'll start trying to figure that out when we arrive.  

I've bought lots of dry food to take for Katy - snacks, oatmeal, rice packages, etc.  I don't know how readily available food will be and she constantly eats so we're prepared for that.  I think I've got everything needed for a 5 or 6 week stay although I'm hoping we're home in 4!  

I still feel like I have so much to do but I don't really know what.  My lists are complete but I don't feel ready.     I work well under pressure though so, by Sunday, I may be scrambling with all the things I've forgotten.   I'm so excited about seeing the girls and introducing them to Katy.  She was so cute in the store yesterday as we were picking out plane toys for her - she announced that she's very excited to go to Russia and get her sisters!  I hope she enjoys them as much as she says she will.  I know she'll appreciate having playmates, at least some of the time!

Only 6 days to go but it feels like an eternity!