Wednesday, August 20, 2008

All quiet today

It seems the dust of last week has settled and it has become very quiet since declaring that I'm going regardless of any confusion.  No phone calls, messages, emails - but, I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

I confirmed that the passports have been received for new visas and that the final renewals are being sent out for apostilles.  All I'm missing is the FBI clearance which I can hand carry if necessary.  Even if that comes in after I leave it should be fine.

Tomorrow I will get a new itinerary.  My plan is to arrive on 9/10 and make a return reservation for sometime late October or early November knowing that it will have to be changed.  I don't plan on making any reservations for the girls at this point as it will be easier to make them from Russia than to change them later.  Note that I'm being very positive about bringing them home with us on this trip.   I don't have any idea how it's all going to play out but for now I'm focusing on the goal. 

I don't think I'll lose this feeling of apprehension until I actually arrive in or possibly until we're all leaving Russia.  I have so many concerns about the judge and the government and all that could change.  I was blissfully ignorant with Katy's adoption and had no idea of how fragile the entire process was.  I realized after the completion just how close I was to not getting her out prior to the expiration of the accreditations - I was lucky I wasn't in the know then as I was able to just focus on Katy and making sure her needs were met.  I can't wait to end my nightmares about Camryn and Courtney growing up in an institution although I still think about that with Katy even though it's not a possibility for her any longer.  I think it will always haunt me as long as there are other kids existing in that environment.  It's such a sad, avoidable waste.  

Let's hope the quiet continues now.

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