The reservations are booked but not paid for - I'm waiting for the drop dead date on this as I don't want to incur any more unnecessary cancellation expenses . We'll be flying 12 1/2 hours direct to Moscow, have a 6 hour lay-over, leave Moscow at 12:30 AM and arrive in Ekat at 5AM although it's only a 2 1/2 flight. Total flying time will be 15 hours and door to door it should be around 25 hours. Long trip for a 3 year old but I think Katy will do well! It was about a 12 hour drive to Lake Tahoe with stops and she was strapped in her car seat the whole time. She was a great little traveler - hopefully that will be the case again and she will be a role model for the twins on the way home! One can hope anyway!
Our Snow Angel
8 years ago
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