Today we had a good visit with the girls. Victor and Lydia picked us up around 1:30 and we got to the orphanage around 4 PM. The girls were snacking so we had to wait about 20 minutes for our visit to begin. Katy did not sleep on the way so she was pretty tired (and cranky) during our visit. She fell asleep as soon as we got back in the car to leave and slept for about 1 hour. Right now it's 9:30 PM and we just got done with dinner. It will be a late night - these 7:30 PM naps for Katy don't make for short evenings.
Vasilina had obvious signs of a cold coming on and I'm sure Polina will also be getting it. I'm really hoping Katy doesn't catch it too. Polina has a very strong personality and held her own with Katy today. At one point, Katy was asking her to get out of a stroller she was playing with and when Katy became a little forceful, Polina really yelled at her. Katy started crying right away - I think it really shocked her. But, Katy was so tired to begin with that she was pretty sensitive about everything during the visit. We were in a large music room today with two exits that the girls are constantly running toward. It's really difficult to keep them in there and we find that we're chasing them around more than actually getting to play with them. There's a smaller room that works better but today it was filled up with things so there wasn't room to play in there.
We're taking the next few days off from visiting although Monday I'm to meet the social worker and someone else - both at the orphanage. That will be challenging with Katy so we're working on options for handling that.
Once we got in the car tonight for our return trip, Lydia advised us that the court date has been postponed from Wednesday to Friday the 26th. However, she says that it won't prolong the 10 day wait and we'll be able to pick the girls up at the same time as if it would have been Wednesday - not quite sure how that works out but, I'm hoping it's true. Apparently, there are 3 election related hearings the judge will be holding on Tuesday and then she will have meetings all day Wednesday regarding those cases. She explained that she would be too tired and that she did not want us to have to suffer due to her being tired - Lydia said she apologized for the delay. I suppose I would rather have her in a good mood on Friday then tired and cranky on Wednesday but I was disappointed. I am anxious to get the court appearance over.
Lydia described the kind of questions, etc. that the judge normally asks and told me that I will really be drilled on being single with 3 children. She gave me a few other areas that the judge will "torture" me over but, when I asked if anyone had ever been denied at that point, the answer was no. So, that was good and hopefully will help with the nerves when I go in. 2 hours of questioning is a long time but if I'm not feeling "threatened" then I should do okay - I hope anyway.
Tomorrow we're off to print pictures of the visits to take to court. Olga is bringing a stroller by so that we can take Katy for longer walks around the City. Apparently, there is a shopping mall fairly close with a cafe and play area - looking forward to finding that for Katy. It's pretty cold out and I need to get some warmer gear for Katy and for me so we can stay out comfortably. Sunday is a day off and then Monday it all starts up again, hopefully with resolution on Friday - that would be very nice!
Our Snow Angel
8 years ago
1 comment:
I'm loving your updates! Thank you.
Such a bummer about the delay. But, I agree - get her on a good mood day!
Please tell Olga & Lydia we say hello and Nicholas is fantastic!
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