It seems that if I "over worry" things usually turn out much better than I anticipate. Today is a perfect example of that. I was pretty worried about being observed with the girls by the social worker and the psychologist today and, it turns out, I didn't have to do either. But, today would have been a great day to be observed because my visit with the girls went really well. It was the first day that we really connected and they actually seemed to be interested in the toys I brought and, even better, in me! I know it's a day by day thing but we really had a good time together. And, I even "connected" with Lydia today which hasn't really happened before and I actually enjoyed our little bits of conversation.
Victor picked me up today around 1:20 - again, 20 minutes late. We then went to the same school that we picked Lydia up a few days ago. That day we sat in the car for 40 minutes waiting for her but, today, she came right out. I saw that she came out of the school office area so I asked her if she worked there. Interestingly, she is a teacher! I had no idea. She teaches English and Country Studies to 12 year olds and to 16 & 17 year olds. And, I didn't think she really liked kids but, apparently, she does.
After picking Lydia up, we went to the photo shop and picked up the photos for court. There are some really cute ones of all 3 girls together and individually. I wish I could post some but I can't on this computer. I will when I get home or if we find an internet cafe or something.
After that was the long drive but my IPOD tv shows keep me entertained when I'm not looking at the trees. When I finally looked up, I noticed we were in NT but not heading toward the orphanage. I feel like I'm experiencing a little of what the girls will experience when I pick them up. I have no idea what is going on, where I am going, I can't understand anyone who is speaking to me and, everything I see is mysterious and new to me. I don't even bother asking questions most of the time because I don't understand the answers. I just sit and wait to see what is next and "go with the flow" as is the slogan for international adoption.
We ended up at a large office building in a really interesting part of NT. Lots of strollers being pushed everywhere, statues, large concrete squares, and apartments everywhere. It was really nice. After walking about 7 flights of stairs (I fared much better than Lydia with this - she could hardly breath by the time we reached the top) we entered a small office and met Vera, the social worker. She asked several questions, took notes and then explained through Lydia that she was trying to think of questions the judge might ask on Friday so that I was prepared. She will be at court also to give her opinion but she mentioned that since the couple returned the boys, the judge will really be grilling me. Great! But, the questions were pretty easy - what will I do IF they ever have a tantrum! Are you kidding?? IF? I'm sure I'll see the first one before even getting out of Ekaterinburg! I give the basic answers and everyone seems happy.
After that we went to the orphanage. The girls group was outside again but they weren't with them. The caregivers told Lydia that the girls were inside waiting for us. We went in and it turns out the psychologist can't make it today. There seems to be a lot of "emergencies" around here. So, now she (the psychologist) will just talk to the orphanage staff and gather information to base her report on from them. I was then able to collect the girls from their room and play with them for about 1 hour with no one around.
Both girls loved the new toys I brought - especially two little buckets. They hardly set them down the whole time I was there. They especially liked eating their "yum yums" out of their buckets. Vasilina is so funny in her copying of Polina and, I noticed today, if Vasilina does something first than Polina copies her too. It just depends on who thinks of what first which usually seems to be Polina. At one point Polina handed her cracker to Vasilina who then traded her cracker with her. They are so cute together and it is really fun to watch them interact. They know where the other is at all times and what she is doing.
We sat a lot today -Polina made a run for the door a couple of times and, I'm sorry to admit, outsmarted me one time. She went to one side of the large room and threw her bucket over my makeshift barricade. I went over there to get the bucket and she made a run for the other side. She made it through the opening before I caught her. She isn't the most coordinated runner around and, it's pretty scary watching her run at top speed toward a stairway. She's not trying to escape - she's laughing the whole time wanting to be chased which, you can't not do! I made progress today though and by the end of the visit we were sitting quietly in the middle of the room rocking, dancing, playing "bumble bee", etc. Then Lydia came in and told them in Russian that it was time to put the toys away and they both got up and started putting the toys in their buckets. They seem to mind pretty well when they understand the request!
Then a long drive home and my happy reunion with Katy. She enjoyed looking at the left over picture of herself with her sisters. I haven't told her that I'm visiting them without her because it would upset her so much. She thinks I'm going to work when I leave here although she probably is catching on. But, today is the last day of leaving her behind with the exception of my court visit.
Tomorrow the court translator will be here at 11:00 AM to go over the things I need to be prepared to answer in court. After that we may get together with a couple from LA who are staying at the Park Inn. They're here for their first visit and I've been corresponding a little with them.
Thursday, hopefully, will just be a day of relaxing and preparing for the big day on Friday. Hopefully - NO MORE CHANGES!!!!
Our Snow Angel
8 years ago
1 comment:
You're so wise to go with the flow. I know that is much easier said than done in those most surreal moments. I love hearing about your experiences. Thank you for keeping us posted! CAN'T WAIT to see pics of your two little ones again :)
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