What I find interesting however is that they look so different to me and I figured out in the picture above that one big difference really is in the eyes. Courtney's eyes often have worry in them while Camryn's, normally, have glee. Camryn has been Courtney's big sister and protector for 2 1/2 years and it is really cute to watch but, I think, needs to be tempered a bit for both girls. Courtney's confidence needs to become based on her "self" and, Camryn needs to be released from the responsibility. I think Camryn's strong survival instincts have helped get them through their difficulties but, I also think it has left Courtney a little like a wounded bird.
Seeing Camryn take Courtneys hand and lead her places and watch her do so many things for her has been very revealing into the way they must have felt (and are still feeling). It is very good that now when Camryn does take Courtney by the hand, she leads her to me and then tells me a long (babbling) story of what the situation is before handing Courtney's hand over to me. It is cute no matter what but I think it is also Camryn making it clear that she is happy to be able to turn Courtney's care over to me now so she can relax a little! Here's to getting them both to relaxing a lot! It's amazing what a picture can reveal!
Now with the secret knowledge of the worry in Courtney's eyes, I bet you can all tell them apart in most pictures (there is also some glee in Courtney's eyes which, hopefully, will become much more regular).

Katy and I have taken to calling Courtney "Coco" (Chanel) or "Coco Bean" - here's why . . .
Katy has been working on her modeling poses lately and when I grab the camera she gets this very serious look on her face and freezes until the picture is done. I must say at least 3 times a day "I don't know where she got that" because she's always coming up with statements or doing things that are so beyond her years. I think a lot of it is hanging out with her older cousins and being so interested in them and all that they do. She talks about how stylish she is and asks me to come and help her get one of her "fashion" shirts. She called a friend of ours (Denise) and told her she needed to come over and be a "fashionista" with her and that she was receiving an invitation. No matter what she puts her hands on, she does pull the look off whether it be a cowgirl or a rapper (where did she get that?) . . . as shown below:
Always something to laugh about around here!
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