Tuesday, September 2, 2008

6 days to go

Today I re-did my fingerprints for the BCIS as a precaution since they don't really expire until 10/31.   Still no FBI clearance and the contact at the Board of Behavioral Science is out until tomorrow so I won't know about getting the license certifications until then.    So far, that's the extent of the paperwork required other than receiving a complete copy of my dossier including all of the changes since February.  That's not easy since there have been so many individual requests.

I still haven't figured out internet access since I can't get the laptop from Peace Travel and won't be staying at the hotel.    I may not be able to update often while there but I'll start trying to figure that out when we arrive.  

I've bought lots of dry food to take for Katy - snacks, oatmeal, rice packages, etc.  I don't know how readily available food will be and she constantly eats so we're prepared for that.  I think I've got everything needed for a 5 or 6 week stay although I'm hoping we're home in 4!  

I still feel like I have so much to do but I don't really know what.  My lists are complete but I don't feel ready.     I work well under pressure though so, by Sunday, I may be scrambling with all the things I've forgotten.   I'm so excited about seeing the girls and introducing them to Katy.  She was so cute in the store yesterday as we were picking out plane toys for her - she announced that she's very excited to go to Russia and get her sisters!  I hope she enjoys them as much as she says she will.  I know she'll appreciate having playmates, at least some of the time!

Only 6 days to go but it feels like an eternity!

1 comment:

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

I'm so excited for you!!

Please tell Dr. Ludmilla that Nikolai is doing really well at home and we are thrilled to have him here. We can certainly tell that he was very well cared for at the orphanage.
