My dossier copy, which is now 3 1/2" thick, is ready to go along with 2 additional packages for Olga. Everything looks current except for one DOJ document that is dated 9/21/07. I don't know how long those are valid for and, even though I hope to be done with court by then, I can't help but worry about it. I don't remember specifics about getting that one but I don't imagine you can rush the DOJ as you can the Dept. of Behavioral Sciences. But, I've done all I can do now.
Packing hasn't even started yet for me. I just have Katy's shoes, sweaters, & toys left to do for her but I haven't begun mine except to choose a dress for court. I still have so many little things to buy - gifts for the orphanage caregivers - gifts to bring to the girls on our visits - travel necessities for me, etc. Tomorrow a trip to K-Mart - the only store here that has a possibility of carrying any of those items.
One thing I did get done today was complete the application for the travel medical insurance which was important. I guess I'm finally starting to believe that we may actually get to go on this trip! I woke up at 4AM this morning thinking of all the little things I still need to do. But, I know it will all get done.
Tomorrow, last minute visits from a few friends - mostly who are very sad to see Katy go away for such a long time - and then, finish packing, trip to K-Mart, and hopefully, get a good nights sleep. I feel like I can now start to think about the girls without being so guarded although, I know I still have a court date to obtain and a court appearance to survive! Regardless, I think I'll sleep well tonight.
I still hold my breath when reading your posts but when I saw the title, I was so relieved! You're on your way! Wishing you and Katy a safe trip and we look forward to meeting you in Ekat! :)
I'm getting so excited for you!
Mike and I wish you a very safe journey. I am so excited for you and look forward to hearing about your trip. Good luck!
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