Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Timing is everything

The twins are sleeping and Katy is happily at school so all is very quiet and good right now.  Yesterday I was very tired and the twins just didn't want to go to sleep.  There was no apparent reason for it as Katy was at school and we had had a very quiet morning but it just wasn't to be.  I was worried because we had plans last night but they did fine and were home in bed by 7:30 - to sleep by 8:30.  They had no crankiness or trauma from missing the nap - but, I did!  

The twins have added "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to their repertoire and it is very cute.  They, especially Courtney, really love singing which is lots of fun for me.   I can actually understand some of the words when they're singing which is very exciting.

Just when I began struggling with the need for discipline (okay, maybe not "just")  and how exactly to do it, along came a very good book and method recommended by Katy's Montessori school.  I've started reading it and am very excited about their methods and direction - in comparison to how I've felt about many others  I've "scanned" through that seem to have lots of principles but no real practical life advise.  This book actually  gives some pretty realistic examples and, follows through to what to do if . . . enough information to really learn how to apply it in my everyday situations here.  Just what I needed right now as it addresses how to be kind and firm at the same time (always difficult for me) and how to use "Positive Discipline" which is what the book is called.  The book is written by Jane Nelsen, Ed.D and, so far, things I like are the 4 R's of punishment - Resentment, Revenge, Rebellion and Retreat which is what I get from Katy when I "punish" her (punishment has a short term affect but a damaging long term affect) and the idea that I can, through these methods, discipline in a way that builds the children up without knocking them down (my words, not hers).  The methods in this book might be a practical and effective approach that may work for us - here's to hoping anyway!   It would be nice to know that what I am doing (with discipline) will have a long term positive affect on them as opposed to just getting them to behave at that moment.   

Off to read some more!  

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